Church Blog (Page 5)

Church Blog (Page 5)


There’s a lot happening this summer and all of it shows up in various announcements and whatnot, but I’d like to tell you about it this way. First, Vacation Bible School approaches. VBS is an interesting phenomenon in church. It’s a time when we lay down all of our usual manners and formalities and we intentionally gear everything toward the next generation. To put in…

We Need Both

I’ve never experienced Holy Humor Sunday before. I liked it! For me, the beauty in the liturgical year, following the seasons in the Church calendar, is in the balance. The darkness and anticipation of Advent is met in the brightness of Christmas and the fulfillment of Epiphany. Likewise, the somber fasting of Lent gives way to the joyous abundance of Eastertide. Holy…

Holy Fools

Easter, I have found, is a hard holiday for most of us. I mean, it’s good and we all look forward to it. We buy new clothes, hide eggs, make a special dinner, and go to church for a rousing day reminding us of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But then… what? Back to normal? Peter tried. After the resurrection of Jesus and meeting him in the upper room, Peter goes…

Pie Jesu

Last Sunday was special. A big part of that was because of some special music by the duo: Nena Moss & Gigi Naeve. It’s a gorgeously sung treatment of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s version of Pie Jesu. Their voices blend beautifully. Check it out. Peace, Rory

Holy Week

I don’t know how it happened, but we’re almost through Lent! Odd as it may seem for a season of fasting, withdrawal, and introspection, I’ve been mightily encouraged by this season together. I have been overjoyed to hear reports from members of our NightLife groups who have found connections in their time together, both with one another and with God. Fasting can be like…


Lent is just about upon us. It’s a season before Easter that is meant to prepare us for Easter morning. Traditionally, it has consisted of some sort of fasting, and that is totally contrary to who we are. Many pastors (including this one) have mistakenly claimed that fasting is contrary to modern society, with our emphasis on consumption, commercialism, and instant…

On Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is yet another holiday that gets a bad rap even though it’s solidly in the Christian tradition. I understand the resistance. The observation today is a money-making scheme. If you don’t spend money on flowers, candies, expensive dinner reservations (and don’t forget the Hallmark™ card of sappy sentimentality) then you’re a stingy schlep with a heart two…

Who Are You?

Let’s play a little game. I’m going to ask you one question. Who Are You? We would start with our names of course, but then what? Most likely, your occupation. I’m a pastor, I’m a teacher, I’m an engineer, I’m a student. But that’s your job, that’s not who you are. So, who are you? You might say that you love watching football or you’re a glorified taxi driver for your…


My oldest daughter has raised her level enough to start making me pause in conversation. It used to be that I could get by with answering simple questions about colors or direction or who the is band on the radio (Led Zeppelin, sweetheart – thanks be to God) or what the word “reveal” means. You can just answer those kinds of questions. They’re facts – just the facts,…


I came to Advent rather late to the party. I didn’t hear about Advent until I was out of college and into my theological education. Advent is something new to me in the grand scheme of things and as such I pay special attention to the aspects of the season. The four Sundays prior to Christmas each have a designation: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. All of these are aspects of…