

As fate would have it, we had a Pumpkin Patch at the church that I grew up in. Our youth group would get truck loads, unload, and sell these pumpkins. We’d earn money in our accounts and it would allow us to go on trips. So I have a pretty good idea of what we’re about to get into.mini orange pumpkins

In all likelihood, I will be in the back of the semi.

At some point, a pumpkin stem will jab me in the chest.

I will stick my hand into a rotten spot and it will reek for two days.

There will be lots of laughs and jokes and joy.

I will learn about the people who are handing off pumpkins to me and I hand off to.

Pumpkins are coming on October 7th. We need a bunch of help. It really doesn’t matter if they’re FBC folks or not. It doesn’t matter if they’re Baptist. If they know the name “Jesus,” I’m OK with them passing pumpkins. Seriously, it’s all hands on deck time and for real, it’ll be a good time.

No lie, it’s a lot of work. There’s the unloading and then a month’s work of selling and moving and cleaning. But it’s sort of a metaphor for what church is about. It takes a lot of work, but by the power of all of us coming together, some big things happen. The money that we raise will fund the youth program and allow them to go on trips and retreats. And of course, you know it funds the good work of the Agape Center.

Church work is like pumpkin work: it’s messy, it’s hard, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything else! Come on out and give us a hand. You’ll be glad you did.