

Everybody’s adjusting. Of course there’s school and so all the kids and teens and parents are getting back into routine. Sleepy youngsters are adjusting to getting up a bit earlier and their days lasting longer. Parents are adjusting to packing lunches and practices and being here and there and everywhere. But we’re also adjusting here at the church. I’m sure the staff are trying to figure out the quirks of the new pastor and how to deal with him (I hear he’s kind of a geek).

My family’s adjusting to a new place, new people, new customs and traditions. It’s always a trying thing to adjust. I’m adjusting to a new staff relationship (they’re kind of great, did you know that?) and just a new church in general. Churches all have their own little quirks and ways. One of the things I’m having to adjust to is the proliferation of meetings. There’s a deacons’ meeting, trustees’ meeting, personnel meeting, church council, and I’m pretty sure I missed a library meeting back there somewhere! Y’all meet, now! And I’m not used to that.

Don’t hear something negative in that. I find it wonderful, truly. Because what it means for me is that I’m surrounded by caring people who are invested in the life of this church and her ministries. It means you take this task seriously and are willing to do the grunt work of laundry and dishes to make a happy church home together. It means you believe in what happens and want to do what you can to make this place a place where God’s purposes can shine through! That’s different for me, and I’m adjusting to it. But adjusting isn’t a bad thing. In this case, I think it’s quite a nice adjustment.