Easter 2020

Easter 2020

Greetings from First Baptist Church!

Easter is coming this Sunday and for the first time in our history, we won’t be together in the sanctuary for worship. But I would like to invite you to still be a part of our community in some way. Here are a few ways that you can do so.

  1. Send a Video – we would like to have a few home videos or photos from our members near and far. You can shoot a short clip saying “Happy Easter” or “He Is Risen” and email it to FbcEaster@gmail.com. If we can get enough folks to send in something, we’d like to use them as a part of our worship on Sunday.

  2. Easter Egg Driving Tour – Paint a poster, piece of cardboard, or decorate your driveway with some Easter decoration that families can see from their cars. You can hang it from a bush, tree, mailbox, window, or leave it in your driveway. If you’re planning on doing so, email the church office so we can give families a list of streets to go and hunt for in their cars! We’ll publish that list on Friday evening on the church website and facebook page.

  3. Home Communion – Prepare, now, to celebrate communion at your table on Easter Sunday. I bet many of us associate taking the bread and the cup with being at church, but the practice started in homes. The earliest Christians would sit down to eat a full meal together and during the meal, they would remember the words of Christ. Don’t worry, I’ve got steps:

    Do this in remembrance of me. Glass of wine and loaf of bread.

    Before your meal…

    1. Prepare Bread and Cup – If you like to bake or need something to do, you can make a traditional Eastern European Easter bread called “paska.” Here’s a link to a recipe. Gigi makes this every year and it’s ridiculously good.

      It doesn’t have to be fancy. You can use frozen dinner rolls, sandwich loafs, or crackers. You can use any juice or beverage that you have handy. Just make sure to have something at your table that is set aside for this time.

    2. Bless Bread and Cup – When you do set your bread and cup aside, say a prayer over it. Make sure your prayer is in your words because this is your sacrament being observed in your home. If you need a prompt, here is a prompt:

      God of grace, we ask that you would take these gifts of bread and fruit and bless them with your presence. May they remind us of the powerful gift of the body and blood of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Bless our table and our family with your Holy Spirit. Amen.

      Then during your meal…

    3. Read Matthew 26:26-28

      26While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; 28for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

    4. Eat & Drink – You don’t have to say anything but if you feel the need to, you can say, “The Body of Christ” before you eat the bread and “The Blood of Christ” before you drink the cup. When you are finished, say “Amen.”
  4. Easter Worship – Of course, we’re still worshipping together digitally. You can access the church’s stream on your smart phone, tablet, or computer by inputting fbcoakridge.org/live-streaming/ into your web browser.

    10am – Sunday School (Brandon Weaver)

    11am – Worship (Staff)

This post and other updates will be compiled at www.fbcoakridge.org/news/

On behalf of the FBC Staff: stay safe, stay connected, and Happy Easter!